What are Artificial Neural Networks in Machine Learning (with Examples)

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are a type of machine learning algorithm that is inspired by the way the human brain works. They are composed of interconnected “neurons” that can process and transmit information, allowing them to learn and make intelligent decisions. ANNs have the ability to learn and adapt to new data, making them a popular choice for a wide range of applications, including image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and even playing games.

What is Artificial neural networks?

According to Wikipedia, “An artificial neural network (ANN) is a subset of machine learning techniques, modeled after the structure and function of the human brain. These algorithms consist of a large number of interconnected processing elements (neurons) that work together to process complex inputs. ANNs are used to recognize patterns, classify data, and make predictions.”

How ANNs Work

An ANN is made up of multiple layers of artificial neurons, or “nodes.” These nodes are connected by edges, which transmit information from one node to another. The first layer of nodes is the input layer, which receives the input data. The last layer is the output layer, which produces the final output of the network. Between the input and output layers are one or more hidden layers, which contain the majority of the network’s “neurons” and are responsible for processing the input data and producing the output.

Each node in an ANN receives input from the previous layer, processes it using a mathematical function, and sends the output to the next layer. The output of each node is determined by the weights of the connections between the nodes, which are adjusted during the learning process. This process is repeated until the final output is produced by the output layer.

Types of ANNs

There are several types of ANNs, each with its own unique characteristics and applications. Some common types include:

  • Feedforward Neural Networks: These are the most basic type of ANNs, in which the information flows in one direction from the input layer to the output layer, without forming any loops. They are commonly used for classification tasks. (Wikipedia)
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): These are specifically designed for image recognition tasks and are commonly used in computer vision applications. They use a series of filters to process the input data and identify patterns and features in images. (Wikipedia)
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs): These are designed to process sequential data, such as time series or natural language. They have a “memory” component that allows them to consider past input when processing the current input. (Wikipedia)

Training an ANN

Training an ANN involves feeding it a large dataset and adjusting the weights of the connections between the nodes in order to improve the accuracy of the network’s predictions. This process is typically done using a variant of gradient descent, a optimization algorithm that helps the network “learn” by minimizing the error between the predicted output and the desired output.

There are several techniques that can be used to improve the training process, including regularization to prevent overfitting, early stopping to prevent overfitting, and batch normalization to improve the stability of the network.

Why learn Artificial neural networks?

  • Artificial neural networks can perform tasks that are difficult or impossible for traditional computer programs to accomplish, such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and decision-making under uncertainty.
  • They are a key technology in the field of machine learning and are used in a variety of applications, including self-driving cars, fraud detection, and medical diagnosis.
  • Neural networks have the ability to learn and improve their performance over time, making them well-suited for tasks that require adapting to changing environments or data.
  • Understanding how neural networks work and how to design and train them can open up new career opportunities and enable you to build innovative solutions to real-world problems.

Python code Examples

Single Perceptron

import numpy as np

class Perceptron:
    def __init__(self, n_inputs, learning_rate=0.1):
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.weights = np.zeros(n_inputs + 1)

    def predict(self, inputs):
        # Add bias input
        inputs = np.append(inputs, 1)
        return np.dot(inputs, self.weights)

    def train(self, inputs, label):
        prediction = self.predict(inputs)
        error = label - prediction
        # Update weights
        self.weights += self.learning_rate * error * np.append(inputs, 1)

perceptron = Perceptron(2)

# Train with OR dataset
perceptron.train([0, 0], 0)
perceptron.train([0, 1], 1)
perceptron.train([1, 0], 1)
perceptron.train([1, 1], 1)

# Test
assert perceptron.predict([0, 0]) == 0
assert perceptron.predict([0, 1]) == 1
assert perceptron.predict([1, 0]) == 1
assert perceptron.predict([1, 1]) == 1

You can find more examples and information about artificial neural networks in Python in the following Stack Overflow thread:


Relevant entities

Entity Properties
Neuron A fundamental unit of computation in a neural network. Neurons receive input from other neurons or external sources, process the input using an activation function, and transmit the output to other neurons or external destinations.
Layer A set of neurons that perform a specific function in a neural network. Layers are typically organized into an input layer, hidden layers, and an output layer.
Weight A value assigned to the connection between two neurons that determines the strength of the connection. Weights are typically initialized randomly and adjusted during training to optimize the performance of the neural network.
Bias A value added to the input of a neuron that shifts the activation function. Bias helps to adjust the output of the neuron, especially in cases where the input is close to zero.
Activation function A mathematical function that determines the output of a neuron based on its input. Activation functions introduce nonlinearity to neural networks, allowing them to model complex relationships in data.

Frequently asked questions

What are artificial neural networks?

Artificial neural networks are computational models inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. They are used to recognize patterns and make decisions or predictions based on input data.

What do artificial neural networks do?

Artificial neural networks can perform a variety of tasks, including classification, regression, and prediction. They are commonly used for image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and other types of machine learning tasks.

How do artificial neural networks work?

Artificial neural networks consist of layers of interconnected “neurons,” which process and transmit information. Each neuron receives input, performs a computation on it, and produces an output. The output of one layer becomes the input for the next layer, and the process continues until the final output is produced.

What are the advantages of artificial neural networks?

Artificial neural networks have the ability to learn and adapt to new data, which makes them well-suited for tasks that require generalization. They are also highly flexible and can model complex relationships in data. However, they can also be computationally intensive and require a large amount of data to train effectively.


Artificial neural networks are a powerful tool for solving complex problems in fields such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and predictive modeling. By simulating the structure and function of the human brain, ANNs are able to learn and adapt to new data, allowing them to improve their performance over time. While ANNs have achieved impressive results in a wide range of applications, they also have some limitations, including the need for large amounts of labeled data and the potential for overfitting. Despite these limitations, ANNs continue to be an active area of research and development, with the potential to revolutionize many areas of artificial intelligence and machine learning.