What is Collaborative Filtering (Recommendation System)

Collaborative filtering is a type of recommendation system that is commonly used in e-commerce and social media platforms. It works by using the past behavior and preferences of users to predict what they will like in the future.

How does Collaborative Filtering work?

There are two main types of collaborative filtering: user-based and item-based.

User-based Collaborative Filtering

In user-based collaborative filtering, the system recommends items to a user based on the ratings and preferences of similar users. For example, if two users have similar ratings for a set of movies, the system might recommend a movie to one of the users based on the high rating of the other user.

Item-based Collaborative Filtering

In item-based collaborative filtering, the system recommends items to a user based on the items that are similar to the ones the user has liked in the past. For example, if a user has given high ratings to a set of romantic comedies, the system might recommend other romantic comedies to the user.

Examples of Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative filtering is used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Netflix and other streaming platforms use collaborative filtering to recommend movies and TV shows to users based on their past watch history.
  • Amazon uses collaborative filtering to recommend products to customers based on their past purchases and product ratings.
  • Facebook uses collaborative filtering to recommend pages and groups to users based on their past interactions and interests.

Pros and Cons of Collaborative Filtering


  • Collaborative filtering is simple and easy to implement.
  • It is able to personalize recommendations for each user based on their individual preferences and behavior.


  • Collaborative filtering requires a large amount of data to be effective, which can be a problem for new users or products with few ratings.
  • It can suffer from the “cold start” problem, where the system is unable to make recommendations for new users or items until they have been rated by a sufficient number of users.
  • It is susceptible to bias, as the recommendations are based on the past behavior and preferences of similar users.

Relevant entities

Entity Properties
Users Individuals who provide ratings or feedback on items
Items Objects or products that are rated or reviewed by users
Ratings Feedback provided by users on items, typically in the form of a numerical score
Similarity measure A mathematical function that determines the similarity between two users or two items based on their ratings
Prediction An estimate of a user’s rating for a given item, based on the ratings of similar users or items

Frequently asked questions

What is collaborative filtering?

Collaborative filtering is a method of making recommendations based on the preferences of a group of people, rather than based on the individual preferences of a single user.

What are the types of collaborative filtering?

There are two types of collaborative filtering: user-based and item-based.

How does collaborative filtering work?

Collaborative filtering works by identifying users with similar preferences and making recommendations based on those preferences.

What are some applications of collaborative filtering?

Collaborative filtering is commonly used in online recommendation systems, such as those used by online retailers or streaming services.
